Our diamond grinding services prepare difficult surfaces thoroughly.
Diamond floor grinders enable aggressive surface preparation prior to the application of an epoxy coating or a screed. More aggressive than vacuum shot blasting, grinding will remove thick layers of debris such as adhesive, tile grout and even old epoxy resin.
Diamond grinders are tools that are used to prepare surfaces for new flooring. They are important for providing a clean and level surface, to ensure a smooth and even base for new flooring. The floor grinder can remove old coatings, adhesives, paint, resin and other residue that could stop a new floor from adhering properly.
Diamond grinding creates a rough, yet smooth, surface that is ideal for the new flooring material to bond to. When you grind down the original flooring you remove imperfections and create the ideal consistent texture for laying a new floor, while also removing any high spots to ensure a flat, level surface that is unlikely to provide a trip hazard.
This technique also removes contaminants such as oil, grease and dirt by taking away the top layer of a surface. As the diamond floor grinders are equipped with dust control systems that collect the dust that is generated during grinding, it ensures a clean environment and speeds up the process of laying a new floor.
This step in the preparation of your flooring is necessary to ensure that the new flooring is smooth, level and properly adheres to the base.
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Diamond grinders are used to remove an extensive range of substances from a floor, such as a layer of adhesive or a thick layer of debris to prepare the floor for a resin coating, SL or screed.
There are two main types of grinders that we use:
This is used on larger main areas. We use a triple headed diamond grinding machine, polishing down high spots on the surface, and removing any debris.
For the edges of a room we use hand held, vacuum assisted grinders. The hand held machine can be used right up to the wall edges and under machines where it is safe to do so.
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