Case Study #22

Major Bank Headquarters

What they needed

The computer centre for a large national bank. The centre contains the bank’s main IT processing infrastructure.

A new hard-wearing floor that could be easily cleaned in order to maintain a dust-free environment. The existing floor areas had become worn, and the concrete was creating dust as people walked across it. To safeguard sensitive equipment and ensure there were no operating problems, it had become essential to replace the surface. It was critical that work be completed without disruption to the centre’s 24 hour-a-day operations

What we did

First, we shot blasted the floor areas using our dust-free vacuum shot blasting machines. As our blasting equipment weighs 1.5 tonnes, we had to lower it into the basement areas by crane (at only 800mm wide, it can, however, fit through a standard single doorway).The shot blasting stripped off the existing floor coatings and all the residual debris, leaving a clean surface for us to work with. We then applied an epoxy resin coating system throughout. We programmed work carefully to allow engineering staff permanent access to the computer rooms, and did much of the work at night and at weekends. All staff had to pass CRB checks due to the security issues involved.


Client feedback

The finished floor areas are bright, clean and safe. The bank has asked us back to work on higher value flooring contracts in other areas.