Solutech is a large chemical company that processes citric acid for the food and drink industry. This citric acid is a hazardous chemical, and poses a risk to both people and property. As a result of the slow accumulation of citric acid on the site, the concrete in and around the bunded areas had become damaged and worn away at. The drains themselves had deteriorated, and new stainless steel replacements needed to be fitted.
Maintenance Supplies Contracts competed for and won the contract to install the system. The internal bunded areas were repairs in a bright yellow resin screed. The external bund had a new stainless steel drain installed and the surrounding flooring was repaired and sealed in a grey resin. These resins were super-fast curing systems so that multiple layers could be applied in a day. This work is a good example of MSC ripping out old flooring systems and re-installing new resin floors and bespoke drainage systems over a weekend to enable the production to continue for most of the week.
Again MSC brought in the job on time and within budget.