Case Study #37

Argos Distribution Centre Case Study

What They Needed

At an Argos distribution centre there was a problem with a leaking bunded area. The bund was designed to withhold the water that built up within the bund every week when the fire sprinkler system was tested. However the water made its way under the wall and across the floor causing health and safety issues with water damage and slippy surfaces. The pipework was so close to the inside of the wall it was impossible to insert a moisture barrier within the bunded area which would have been the normal course of action.


What We Did

MSC designed and installed a secondary bunded barrier on the outside of the existing wall. This is mechanically fixed and epoxy bonded onto the existing wall. This included a joint cut 25mm into the existing concrete floor and a GRP 6mm sheet epoxy bonded into the joint. A cove detail is applied as a ‘Belt & Braces’ finish. Having been tested it is water tight.


Client Feedback

The client were satisfied with the installation – particularly the speed of installation and the handling of the potentially difficult installation.